Upazila: Mahmudpur
District: Magura
(Near Mohammedpur Upazila Parishad)
About 27 km from Magura Sadar Upazila
Transport: Road (paved road), local bus/motorized vehicle from Magura/Faridpur/Narail district.
Madhumati river flows through the eastern side of Mohammadpur upazila of Magura. One of the ghats of this river is Nader Chand Ghat. Nader Chand is the name of a man. Nader Chand learned magic from Kamrup-Kamaksha and turned from a human into a crocodile. Later, due to his wife's mistake, he could no longer be human. This legendary story of a man turning into a crocodile still floats on the lips of the people of this area. Journeys, dramas and even movies have been made about this story of Nader Chand. An entire mauza, village, market and educational institution is named after him.
Nader Chader Ghat
Nader Chader Ghat
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS